Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Minor Successes

...which don't include keeping up with my blog.

I have taken a walk for 25 continuous day and take an average of 14000 steps per day. I'm eating a healthier diet, enjoy six alcohol free days per week and have lost 12 lbs since the 11th of January.

And I feel a lot better for it.

Today I sowed lettuce and onions.

I'm sorting out my photographs but am only about 10 per cent through them.

I'm working on my tolerance. When Bert does something annoying (often) I ask myself, would you do that Nelly? Usually the answer is yes.

I'm thinking very hard about getting the new sewing machine out. My sight is better now so there's no reason not to.

Two batches of wine were begun, Strawberry & Raspberry and White Currant. In addition, ten gallons were racked and the Carrot & Raisin bottled. One bottle, Blackcurrant & Apple, was drunk (in company) and Bilrus pronounced it 'a triumph'. He's very kind. Gus tried my wine for the first time and if he didn't like it he didn't say. Bert informed him,

If you criticise her wine she never offers it again.

That's true enough.


  1. Well done, Nelly! Elly put one of those step counters round my ankle and on arm on another occasion, post hip op when I was relearning how to walk. It refused to work. She tried it on Hayley and George and it worked for both of them. Now Buffy wears it on her collar and it works fine! Do you think I am really alive?

  2. Doesn't look good for you;)
    Although it was probably your gait that foxed it. Now that you've recovered it would probably work just fine.
