Wednesday, March 02, 2016

And As We All Know, He Didn't...

Written eight years ago today. It was posted at just after 8:00 am when Bert was languishing in bed and all unaware that he was engaged to be married and that Nelly meant business.

Eight years later we have separate sitting rooms and separate bedrooms which is probably why we're still going strong.

In Other News...

We are canvassing everyone who comes to see us on their views on the EU Referendum. I am being quite rude to some of them. If nothing else I hope it will make them think.

Bert is reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck. And I am listening to On The Road by Jack Kerouac. We are both listening to Rhiannon Giddens who we saw a few weeks back in Derry when she guested with Transatlantic Sessions. That was the best gig I've been to in a very long time.

On Friday past we went to Banjo Man's fiftieth birthday party. What is he doing being fifty? I can barely fathom it. It was a good evening. I was the designated driver (I designated myself) and sat on my high horse tutting happily at all the drunken fools. Still drank two large G&Ts when I got home but that's all right because no one knows. Except Bert. And The Reader.

Tomorrow I'm going to Belfast to visit my friend in hospital. I won't bring Jack Kerouac as I only like to listen to audio books when I'm walking. For trains I like a proper reading experience. That will be Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I'm nearly half way through it. The war has not begun.


  1. Separate rooms or no separate rooms, you have the correct recipe for yourselves and it works!

    Enjoy your reading on the trains and I hope your friend is doing well.

  2. Read on the train until my eyes ached. Cold day in Belfast and my friend was sitting out today.
