Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Daily Photograph 14

Freezing cold day. It is supposed to be Spring dammit! My poor Thalias were cruelly buffeted by Arctic winds and blasted with sleet. Needless to say I did not do much in the garden except a bit of watering in the tunnel, a bit of basil potting on and, as always, made a list.

The pigs were only out for a few hours. They hate cold weather and would far rather lie snuffling in a bed of straw in their cosy warm shed. So no photograph today.

Just tunnel pictures. Here they are...

Kale. Going to seed. We feed it to the cows when it gets like this.

 Honesty. On Zoe's bit of the tunnel.

 Peach blossom beginning to fade. The pollinators were in so fingers crossed for a better crop than last year.

List of recent sowings.

Zoe's bit. The willow twigs are to keep cats and dogs off.

1 comment:

  1. My gosh, you must have a considerable amount to take care of in tunnels! Do the willow sticks work to keep out the critters? There are way too cats in this neighborhood, and not enough coyotes!
