Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Daily Photograph 17 and 18

Banjo Man!

I am cheating today. There was no daily photograph blog on the 29th April because this crazy guy turned up accompanied by his wife and their youngest son.

There was quite a bit of this kind of behaviour...

and camera shake was rife. Which is why Bert's left ear is so big. But he doesn't care.

I really need to get to grips with the camera settings.

Jazzer's photo face

An unhealthy snack

Then another guy turned up at 11pm, en-route to a session. The men packed up banjo, guitar and clarienet and headed off into the night to play music, while Jazzer and I had the early night. I'm told they didn't get in until the wee small hours.

So what will I blog about in the month of May? What about Daily Annoyances. I fancy a bit of a regular rant.

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