Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Daily Photograph 2

This one is so cheaty because it was taken with Katy's camera, which is also a Panasonic Lumix, one I gave to her quite a few years ago after she dropped her own camera into a pint of beer at a village fete. As you would.

This is the first published photograph of Nelly with all her current grandchildren and she is very excited about it.

Then there are the photographs, the pictures taken today with the new camera. I'm pleased with these two...

Close up of Judy with zoom.



  1. Okay, I want to hear this story: "after she dropped her own camera into a pint of beer at a village fete"

  2. Also, those are some really cute grandchildren! That littlest one looks raring to go!

  3. The camera dunking incident is lost in the mists of time. She cannot even remember if it was her own pint. I suspect she might have been tipsy. Those were the carefree days before Baby James.

  4. Oh My Gosh, that pic of you and the grands is priceless, and I love the one of Judy, with just the tip of her tongue. I can tell Katy likes having her pic taken...
