Monday, April 18, 2016

The Daily Photograph 6

Off to Antrim this morning to visit my friend in the nursing home. She is still very low. Her niece told me that the staff there said they rarely see someone receive so many visitors. Afterwards Judy and I took a walk in the Castle Grounds.

It was cold and dry today and the grounds were thick with primroses. I liked to think that Judy was enjoying their delicate scent but, being a dog, she was far more likely to be inhaling the delicious aroma of some other dog's urine.

I'm getting to know the Grounds really well, almost as well as I did forty odd years ago when I was mitching school. It will make such a difference when Garden Show Ireland is here, the third year running in Antrim.  I hope to be there with Zoe and the girls but not Judy. Too many people and dogs and I'll be needing both hands free for my camera.

Mr and Mrs Mallard, Long Pond, Castle Grounds, Antrim

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