Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Another Only Child

One egg hatched. The rest, major disappointment. We have a two-day-old chicklet born on Sunday, probably half-Silky. He/she is very tiny. More learning. Flour is sitting on three, due to hatch in just over a fortnight. She is isolated from the flock, seems contented and I intend to - Let. Her. Be.

No interference, no moving, no disturbances. Every broody period is a learning experience.


  1. That is sad, hope your chick makes it. Sometimes the littlest are the toughest.

  2. It does seem to be a tough little beggar.

  3. One is better than none. Your last little chick is doing well down here

  4. New chick seems to be doing well too. Rocky's ma is sitting on three and apart from providing fresh food and water I'm leaving her to get on with it in solitude.
