Thursday, May 03, 2018

Rainy May

So far, this Spring the weather has been disappointing. There were two beautiful days at the weekend where I got lots of outdoor gardening accomplished but there is still far too much to do. Most of my homegrown perennials are still sitting in pots beside where they are supposed to go but hey! - look on the bright side (even though there isn't one) all this rain means I don't have to water them.

Even so, I'm off to Garden Show Ireland tomorrow. Last year we went with the Banjos and it was a scorching day but this year I'm going alone and BBC weather informs me that it will be overcast but with no torrential downpours or hailstones expected. Here's hoping.

In spare moments (and there are lots of them) I'm transferring files to a bigger external hard drive. This is one from May 2012 which delighted me. Annoyingly, I cannot find the original copies. Where do digital photographs go?

Postscript: Lost digital photographs are to be found in unsorted files. Hurrah!


  1. Yes, those are lovely. Glad you found them. :)

  2. Still haven't found the one of Martha sitting on the old porcelain throne but i'm sure it is somewhere among my 1000's of digital images.

  3. Hope the garden show was good.
    I'm constantly misplacing digital images, even though I try to label them in my crazy formats. When I do find one I was looking for a few years ago, it is like amazing!

  4. I get that Brig. The garden show was very good. I spent a lot of money on new plants, geraniums, lilies, oriental poppies etc. Cricked my back carrying it all back to the train station but next year will come with a wheeled trolley!
