Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Too Few Poppies


One of the best things about Flickr is albums. I've been gathering photographs over the years and collating them into sets by year. The link above connects to last year. This year isn't finished yet. The photographs give me an opportunity to see what worked and what I missed.

Looking at last years pictures reminded me that 2018 did not have enough poppies in it. Even the polytunnel had fewer self-seeded poppies than the year before.

This will have to be remedied in 2019.


  1. Ronni9:54 am

    I like poppies. The next town up the highway is the self-proclaimed "Poppy Capitol of Texas."

  2. They are a great favourite of mine in all their forms. This year the only ones I had in my outside garden were eschscholzia californica, the Californian poppy. And meconopsis cambrica, the Welsh poppy. No papavers. They all self-seed in the polytunnel.

  3. What a great device.
