Thursday, August 30, 2018

Your Drafty Foot

Holders of the title Most Beautiful Baby in the world, nos. 1, 4 and 5

That was the story I told Evie today on her mum's birthday for when Zoe was born I thought her the most beautiful baby in the world. Then when Katy came along she was the most beautiful baby... and so on and so on as Hannah, Martha, Evie, James and Emily duly made an appearance.

Evie got it. Every baby is the most beautiful baby in the world to the people that love it.

Happy birthday, Zoe. Hope you've had a lovely day. 


  1. Happy Birthday Zoe. :)

  2. On her behalf, I thank you Mage. The picture was taken a few days before. I always have Zoe and family for supper on Monday evenings and if the Monday falls close to a birthday we have birthday cake and candles. It's an important family tradition that has been going on for... oh, maybe three years and every year table settings get ever more elaborate thanks to Martha. I believe I am going to have to invest in napkins next!
