Sunday, September 16, 2018

Seeds Ordered!

Product NameStock CodeQuantityPrice
Bargain Basement 10 packets13271£ 3.25
Eremurus robustus513B1£ 2.38
Canna indica2691£ 3.10
Eccremocarpus scaber, 'Tresco' Mixed490H1£ 2.25
Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'102Q1£ 1.95
Papaver somniferum Mixed Varieties954G1£ 1.75
Lathyrus odoratus, Old-Fashioned Sweet Peas, 'Cupani'765Z1£ 1.95
Salvia patens, 'Blue Angel'1141R1£ 3.15
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica1140R1£ 1.95
Cleome spinosa, Mixed Colours366A1£ 1.85
Pulsatilla vulgaris1075B1£ 3.25
Helianthus annuus, 'Lemon Queen'674J1£ 2.25
Abutilon x hybridum, F1 Hybrid, 'Bella' Series, Mixed5M1£ 3.15
Angelica gigas102E1£ 3.65
Carthamus tinctorius, 'Zanzibar'277P1£ 1.95
Adonis aestivalis481£ 1.72
Sub Total:16 Items£ 39.55

So, using the Flickr gallery group, I made my choices. All seeds ordered from Chiltern Seeds and all except the salvia sclarea inspired by James Fenton's list. 

I've been meaning to grow that salvia for ages now. It's been a while.

If I do this right, there should be enough plants to share with friends and enough to sell to the local garden supply shop which should, at least, cover the cost of the seeds.


Another thing that was on my mind today - it was our father's birthday. Seamus was born on this day 99 years ago. Happy birthday old lad, wherever you are. 


  1. Beautiful stuff, indeed.
    And is he hoisting a pint somewhere.

  2. If he is, it's a pint of Bailey's Irish Cream. He was practically teetotal for most of his life but developed a fondness for cream liqueurs in his old age.
