Tuesday, February 25, 2020

And Again

Old Roy went out at around seven this morning for his morning pee. He came in, lay down and hasn't managed to get up since. He has been eating and drinking but, apart from one failed attempt, hasn't been able to stand upright.

This might be it for Roy. He's with us nearly five years now and he was an old dog when he came. I didn't expect him to still be here in 2020.


  1. Poor old fellow. Well, he certainly had everything a dog could want living at NellyBerts, I am sure. Hopefully, Judy is continuing to improve.

  2. Judy is back to her old self - I'm glad to say. Roy has been declining steadily this past year, cannot jump up to greet visitors, cannot get on the sofa anymore. Yet he was out walking in the woods on Sunday. Maybe he'll be OK tomorrow after a day's bed-rest but the end cannot be far away.

  3. Anonymous7:38 pm

    Big hugs for Judy Pudding and Roy from Edinburgh. Mel. xx

  4. Thank you, Mel. Judy is doing well, and we waked Roy tonight.
