Monday, April 20, 2020

Rage Against The Machine

I've noticed these past few days that while traffic has decreased (a lot) on our little B road, there is an increase in what is known around these parts as 'boy racing'. It must be hard on young bucks, no excitement in their lives, not allowed to go anywhere for fear of the PSNI flagging them down to ask, Is Your Journey Really Necessary? So, out for a quick burn around the country roads for a wee spurt of adrenalin.

Why not?

Because you are all annoying wee fucks in your souped-up cars.


One of you killed a wren.

Your deluded ma wouldn't agree with me but I believe that wren had more to give the world than you.


  1. I've noticed here that it's middle-aged men in pick-up trucks driving around really fast, even though I suspect they have no place to go.

  2. Our middle-aged guys in pick-ups drive really slow, looking into the fields to see what the other farmers are up to.
