Thursday, May 21, 2020

Diary Of a Young Naturalist

Brimstone moths aren't that uncommon, yet I'm always pleased to see one turn up in the light trap. When it comes to the natural world, yellow is my favourite colour, closely followed by blue.

So it is only to be expected that the cover design of naturalist Dara McAnulty's first book appealed to me greatly.  Dara is from Northern Ireland, he is sixteen years old, he is autistic and he is passionate about the natural world. He started blogging about four years ago and I discovered his blog about a year in. It was inspiring and will give this young man a lot of credit for re-awakening my own interest in nature. I'm expecting his book in the post tomorrow and am excited to read it. Thank you, Dara.


  1. I have heard excerpts from this book on Radio 4!

  2. Great moth picture. I never see moths any more - sad about this. I've been listening to this book too on Radio 4 and couldn't believe it when I discovered he is 16. It's really good and I'm going to order a copy too. X Doris
