Sunday, May 31, 2020

Another Sunday

 I have been getting up ridiculously early these past few mornings to deal with my light trap. On the advice of MothsIreland I'm rising at sparrow's first fart to male sure that the birdies aren't eating my moths for breakfast. Sparrow's first fart is earlier than 4am.

After turning out the light, and safeguarding the trap by stuffing a tea towel into the opening I return to my cosy bed. The first picture is a Beautiful Golden Y which is only distinguishable from a Plain Golden Y by extra goldiness and glitteriness. I had it verified on the aforementioned MothsIreland group on Facebook.

These are two moths found in the trap this morning. I have yet to name them but know that they are male and female. I placed them in an identification pot and put them in the fridge to show Bert but they had separated out before he got up and were released into the wild whereupon they went their different ways. Guess it was just a one night stand.

I realised that I'm becoming obsessed with moths when Norfolk daughter posted some photographs from a woodland walk she took with her children, my actual grandchildren, and I found myself enthusing about her picture of the cinnabar moth on a bracken frond before I liked and commented on my actual adorable grandchildren.

A kerfuffle in the sunroom. This one, a juvenile jackdaw, flew into the room and couldn't find a way out. Is very handsome. Only seconds after this picture, the bird was off and away.

Bert and I spent the afternoon dismantling the greenhouse. It has been in that spot for slightly over forty years but it is time for a move. The place where it stands is earmarked for something new.

Two skinny blokes in faded jeans. 

We were glad when H turned up. After the glass was removed and stashed safely Bert and H and Hannah and Nelly took a corner each and moved the frame to its new spot. 

Moth trap out for the night. I'll miss the greenhouse for checking the catch but...

Watch This Space!

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