Monday, June 22, 2020

Blackbird Singing

This is the blackbird which sits every evening in an ash tree and sings his heart out. It's not a good picture and I would dearly love to get a better one. I've tried using a long lens on a tripod and that didn't work for me so do I need a better camera or a better vantage point? Why not see if I can get a better picture from the treehouse?

I haven't been up there for more than a year. Bert was working on it last week, making the stairs safer. Ben stood on the platform to secure the swing. Evie was there too. I took photographs.

I was planning to use the rail to steady the camera and stepped on to the exact spot where Ben is standing in that picture. One foot on, then the second and the floor collapsed and I fell through landing on my back more than 10 feet below. The floor, actually a trapdoor where, when the treehouse was being built, was used to haul up furniture and a pot-bellied stove. The supporting frame had rotted away.

Well! Time seems to slow down when one knows one is going to hit the ground with a big thump. And maybe die. My life did not flash before my eyes but there was enough time in that split second to be hugely concerned about my camera. Which isn't even that great.

I landed. There was gasping and wailing. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get up but eventually, I did. I had a horrible headache. I got on to my knees, so slowly and first thing started looking for the camera. And couldn't find it. Then I pulled myself up and found I could walk. Very slowly.

I made it to the house just as Bert was leaving it. Called him back,

Bert, I've had an accident. I fell out of the treehouse. I can't find my camera. Can you get it for me?

He went off, came back a few minutes later as white as a sheet and holding the camera which hadn't a scratch even though the lens cap was off.

I can't believe you walked away from that!

So, I took some painkillers and after a while went back outside and took a photograph of that bloody blackbird. Still singing, no idea he was nearly the death of me. And then I set up the moth trap and went back in the house, had a wee medicinal whiskey and Bert and I watched an episode of Ozark.

That happened yesterday. I woke up this morning, so sore and stiff but after a couple of painkillers and a coffee, I was able to have a look at the moths. And bagged, for the first time a Light Emerald and a male Ghost. Both beautiful. Though the photographs were crap.


  1. Oh Mary. Sounds like that could have been a lot worse. I am glad you are ok.

  2. Thanks. I'm more than Ok. My lucky escape has made me feel quite optimistic about life in general. I was feeling a bit old but now that I've fallen out of a tree and survived I'm thinking perhaps not that old.

  3. Glad you don't have a concussion....and that the camera is ok. Falls are no joke if one is grey haired.

  4. Oh my God you were very lucky. Glad you feeling OK although you will be stiff for a few days.

  5. I will be more careful, Mage. My hair is completely white and, thanks to lockdown, far too long. I hope that you are keeping well too.

  6. Gan, our comments overlapped. I am stiff in the shoulder area and tomorrow is the last day I can take the painkillers. Can't believe I didn't hurt myself more.

  7. That's a long way to fall - glad you are ok.

  8. Thank goodness you were not hurt - you better take it easy for a few days xxx

  9. Eleanor and LS, I'm grateful to have come away relatively unscathed. For the past couple of days, I have been euphoric, this evening I feel tired and a bit worn out. Adrenalin leaving the system I suspect. It was quite the experience and I'm not sorry for it. Rather me than someone else.

  10. I am so glad you were not seriously hurt. And it is a hell of a good story :)

  11. Thanks, Susannah. Three days in from it and I'm almost OK. No more painkillers.
