Thursday, January 28, 2021

In Case You Were Wondering


Bert's Aunt is holding her own. The news comes third hand as no-one is allowed to visit. What happens next is out of our hands. 

I panicked and ordered Covid testing kits for Bert and me. We both tested negative.

Booking for the vaccination opened today for people in my age group. I secured an appointment for Sunday. The second jab is to be in April. After which I might be able to visit my darlings in Norfolk. Maybe. Fingers crossed.

The snowdrops are out and I am hopeful for longer days and milder weather.

Lizzie and me at Craig's Moss. I'm probably half the age I am today and Lizzie would be in her early sixties. We're all ready for a day of bagging turf. 


  1. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Great news Mary. lol Peggy and Jim

  2. Thanks, Peggy and Jim. Aren't these crazy days?

  3. Glad you got an appointment.

  4. I won't believe it until I get it!
