Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March Reading

My practice of reading several books at a time is working well. Now if I begin a book I almost always finish it and my night table is no longer piled with unfinished tomes. If I buy or find something new it has to wait until a space opens. The idea originally came from Will Self who claims to read 50 or more books at a time. That would be daunting - a dozen works better for me.

I finished The Salt Path by Raynor Winn this morning and added Shuggie Bain to the reading basket. I've had Shuggie for a few months now. Bert read it first and really liked it. He is a slower reader than me but he raced through it. Zoe told me that she read it quickly as well. It's at the back of the pile so I'll probably not get to it until Friday at the earliest. Something to look forward to.

I didn't expect to enjoy The Salt Path as much as I did for Raynor Winn writes honestly and her descriptive powers are mighty. It was as if I was there with them. She had me longing to walk the Undercliff when John Fowles did not. Guess I'll have to make do with Portglenone Forest.


  1. I am in the middle of The Salt Path. Not that keen as it’s a bit repetitive but Iloved the bit about them waking up covered with ladybirds which then took off. Paul read Shuggie Bain and loved it It’s on my list too. X Doris


  2. I'd forgotten about the ladybirds! There is a bit further on... but I'll let you get to it on your own. The repetition was part of it for me. One foot in front of the other. One thing I found hard to take was the fact that they were rarely able to wash. I'd find that unbearable. They came across as real and flawed but, boy were they naive.
