Sunday, August 22, 2021

More Posting Please

This Sunday, 22/8/2011

I've been having a think. I need to begin using this blog as an aide-memoire and if I only post a few times a month then that's not going to be very helpful. I'll start with today, a Sunday - it started dull and has finished pleasantly sunny, blue-skyed and mild. Very nice. We'll have more of that if you don't mind.

Mick and Linda have been staying with us since Friday but they're not here right now. They've spent the day at Mount Stewart with the Haribos and I hope the weather is as pleasant in Down as it is in Antrim because Miss Evie forgot her coat. Yes. Martha and Evie have been staying too.

A while back when I told Martha that her Granda would be staying here this time instead of at her house she was taken aback. But not for long.

I know Granny! Evie and I can stay with you too!

Well - we do have two spare rooms and the Haribos have none since Martha got a room of her own. So I agreed, for two of the four nights.

The first night (Friday) was hectic. The girls were very excited and stayed up way past their bedtime.  We did have a lot of fun though and we were all quizzed on what it's like being so old and then made to play a thankfully tame game of Truth or Dare.

Yesterday they went out with the Norfolk Grands and Hannah and got very spoiled. I had a plan for the evening as everyone was tired. We watched a movie,  Martha's choice, Mr Peabody and Sherman which was thoroughly enjoyed by both the children and three of the adults. Granda Mick took the opportunity to take a nap.

For my archive

On this day a week ago* I was delighted to receive a message from an old friend who lives in Devon. I hadn't seen her for about 12 years and before that another 20 or so. We made plans to meet on Tuesday for such are the joys of social media. To be continued...

*15th August 2021.


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