Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Ten Things I Did Today

I am borrowing/copying Ten Things I Did Today from Ganching. Her consent was sought and granted when she visited Nellybert's the weekend before last. I believe it was the raspberry and coconut ice cream that swung it for me. Feed a blogger well and she'll let you steal all her best ideas.

Lulu belongs to Leitrim sister and Dmitri. We had the pleasure of looking after her last weekend and I found her a great solace after Dolours left the stage. Cannot wait until the Leitrim Crew head off on their travels again. Brexit has brought at least one advantage, as pets cannot travel freely and have to stay with Aunt Granny.

The Ten Things...

1. Woke up missing Lulu.

2. Went out to the woods to check that Foxy had made good use of Dolours. She was gone which is a relief.

3. Entertained visitors (Bert's cousins) and sent them off with a boatload of begonias, lobelia, lilies and peaches.

4. Spent an hour or so perusing documents and photographs regarding Bert's family convoluted family tree. (Thank you, cousins) Fellow genealogists will be glad to know that the Robinson Riddle has been solved. Maybe.

5. Spoke to Katy and Mick regarding my imminent trip to Norfolk. Getting really excited.

6. Consulted experienced meadow makers on Twitter.

7. Gathered quantities of yellow rattle seed from my meadow.

8. Had words with Bert regarding his negativity towards my meadow-making plans. It's not that he is against meadows, it's just that he cannot let the farming indoctrination go. 

9. Ate too many biscuits. Again.

10. Tried to find something to watch on TV. Failed.


  1. Have a good time in Norfolk. On TV - have you tried This Way Up by Aisling Bea on More 4? We watched last week and thought it was very good.

  2. I will give that a try. It sounds good. In norfolk right now enjoying my anglo- irish grandchildren.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the meadow.
