Monday, September 27, 2021

Better Late Than Never

Monday is the day when Zoe tends to her vegetable garden and I make supper for everyone. When Martha was old enough to appreciate birthday celebrations I'd make a cake on the Monday closest to a birthday. It's lucky that none of our birthdays fall in the winter months as that's when Zoe takes a break from gardening.

Martha's birthday supper should have been two weeks ago but then they all got Covid-19 and had to isolate. Luckily Zoe was symptomless so could continue working. She can do her job from home so that wasn't a problem. Today was her first day back at the plot and Marthas delayed birthday celebration. She asked for enchiladas and Chocolate Guinness cake (Nigella recipe) and I obliged. No expense was spared with just one exception - I recycled the extra-long candles from Robin's cake. (Dougie's Goodies, delicious.)

Evie's birthday is next. Thank goodness Martha was quick about blowing out those candles. We'll get another turn out of them yet.




  1. Great tradition and would love a slice of that cake x

  2. Traditionally, the person whose birthday it is gets to take the remainder of the cake home. This means if it is a Ballymena person's big day the Cully ones get just one slice. It's a good tradition.

  3. Yes, very good tradition. I will look that cake up...maybe George will like it. They are lovely,.

  4. I think George might love it!
