Saturday, November 27, 2021

A Flock of Tree Sparrows


So I got my wish. That pair of tree sparrows that turned up at Hannah's last April stayed, bred and multiplied. Back then I was excited to spot them, and more excited when the young ones started to appear.

Now there are fourteen (at least) of them and they are champion scoffers. Seed feeders are emptied in a couple of hours and they do tend to hog them. The tits manage to get a bite to eat but I worry about the finches. I'm looking at setting up a sparrow free site at the back of the yard. More bird feeders are needed.

Now, if anyone reading is from Northern Ireland you will know that all adults here were able to apply for a SpendLocal card worth £100 to help local businesses recover from the Covid lockdowns. Bert and I gave a lot of consideration as to where we would use ours. Wanting to get into the spirit of the thing, we decided to spend our windfall in locally-owned shops. I was explaining to Bert what he needed to do.

All you need to do, the first time you use it, is enter your pin number into the card reader and afterwards, you can use contactless.

He said,

I don't even know what any of that means.

And I realised, he has never used a card reader in his life. He was going to find it difficult to spend his largesse as spending for spending's sake is not his idea of a fun time. 

Then we looked out the window. As usual, the feeders were hooching with tree sparrows. I'd already bought three more seed and fat ball dispensers from Montrose with some of my SpendLocal card. It was obvious what Bert needed to do.

The next day we went to Broughshane and spent Bert's entire card on seed, peanuts and sunflower hearts. Now I need to look into the feeders that sparrows cannot access to give the finches a chance.

Did I mention that tree sparrows are also messy feeders and drop lots of seed on the ground? We've got a gleaner who deals with that. We call him Herbie.


  1. We had pigeons that cleaned up our seeds nicely.

  2. Collared doves and jackdaws help out too.

  3. Dear Nelly, just to let you know, I recently discovered your blog, and I'm enjoying it very much. I went to your list and I'm wondering what happened to "The Three Foragers"? Foraging is one of my interests. I like your subject matter and your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Mary, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it. The 3 Foragers is a blog I follow and you can find it here.
