Friday, December 17, 2021

Two Films and a Buck Idiot

Anything But Christmas

Funny how, when one is supposed to be preparing for the feast of the Nativity, that one will find so many other things to do. I thought I might go shopping for the last of the Christmas shopping today but I never went out the door - except to feed pigs and hens.

Instead of braving the shops I cleaned (a little) house and watched two films. The films were Four Hours at the Capital and The Power of the Dog. Both were intense. Better than Christmas.

I've just finished The Power of the Dog and it was an experience that I'm still processing.

Four Hours At The Capital

The documentary about the storming of the Capitol Building last January was a fierce watch too. One section that struck me was when people were evacuated from the  House of Representatives to their safe space there was phone footage of Marjorie Taylor Greene looking quite elated about the events that were taking place. I appear to have lost all the Trumpists who used to read my blog *so sad* so safe to say, Greene is a traitor to democracy.

Another thing that stood out was the person who helped the police officer Michael Fanone who was dragged into the mob, tasered and beaten. This man (and a few others) did what they could to get Fanone to safety. 

I suppose what I take out of it is that in that huge crowd there must have been many ordinary decent people, some who got swept up in the crazy excitement of the mob and a few, like the red-headed guy in the pic, who did the decent human thing. 

Watching the footage it was hard to believe that there weren't far more fatalities than had actually taken place although I hadn't realised that there were lives lost to suicide in the aftermath.

It was pointed out in the film that a considerable amount of people among the thousands in that crowd were believers of incredible and far-fetched conspiracy theories. 

But I've Done My Research

We all know them. Why only this evening one of Bert's acquaintances (one I usually avoid) was spouting nonsense about the dangers of Covid inoculations as it's a government plot to murder us. He hasn't been to a Chinese takeaway for two years because the Chinese are so very clever and have been developing diseases in their state-of-the-art labs for 1000 years. Scores of people in Limavady have already taken brain bleeds from the vaccine. He also came off with the shite that how come they can get a covid vaccination in a few months and they still haven't found a cure for cancer? Also, they give us cancer through the water supply.

Needless to say, I put him out of the house and told him not to come back until he's been double-vaxxed, boosted and wearing a mask. Don't expect to see him anytime soon. He'll be too busy getting his Ph.D. from the University of Facebook.


  1. A buck idiot indeed. One of my father’s expressions - enjoyed hearing it again and a perfect description for this person and all those of a similar mind.

  2. It came from my da, too.

  3. I want to see that tonight. Thanks for mentioning it. Yes, no Trumpers read me now either.

  4. Mage - we are better off without them.
