Saturday, January 01, 2022

Treasure Hunting

There was great sadness on Thursday. Maya, Zoe's older dog had been put to sleep the previous evening after it was discovered she had inoperable lung cancer. Her family put her next to her companion Gracie who died 13 months ago. They were quite the pair. Evie made the grave marker. It should really have been Gracie * Maya as Gracie was the elder but if we'd put Maya on the other side she would have been too close to the beehive. And, speaking of bees, Evie told them that Maya had died and a number of them appeared at her burial.

It's actually scary how mild this Christmas weather has been.

The girls stayed over that day and we watched a terrible movie, Home Alone 2 which was horribly violent. I had to tell them that the brutality afflicted on Joe Pesci and friend by young Culkin would have resulted in their deaths twenty times over. It really wasn't a suitable show for Grannies, never mind pre-teens.

So much lounging about, snacking and watching endless telly is not the best way to live one's life, even at Christmas so next day Hannah and I encouraged the girls outside to seek buried treasure.

Martha refused to change out of her pyjamas as they were so warm and comfortable. A certain Aunt might be pleased to know that Evie was also wearing her Christmas pyjamas under her day clothes. 

Evie was the more enthusiastic treasure hunter. At break time Martha headed to her bedroom to continue reading a new book, bought with the token gifted by Granda Bert.

The dogs just didn't get it.  Humans digging? And not burying bones. Or unearthing them.

 A picture of interesting fungi. Much more interesting than the 'treasure' we found which was -

A triangular piece of rusted iron.

Several beer cans.

The innards of a spent firework.

Two trays from an abandoned electric oven. These were buried DEEP and Evie and I put a lot of effort into digging them up.

Afterwards I had to lie down for half an hour. It was worth it.

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