Friday, February 04, 2022

Fine Deed Is Nifty

Dede and Zoe

 I was going to blog about knitting, which has, once again, become an obsession.

Dede at a party in Belfast
Then I recalled that today is Leitrim Sister's birthday.

Dede at Ballee

Then I remembered that way back in the day when I was a Fairisle and Stripey jumper fanatic, my youngest sister was never shy about wearing one of my creations. In fact, apart from my children and their father (who had no choice) she was my biggest fan. Happy birthday LS, enjoy Spain and I promise you, I'm going to knit you the craziest jumper for your next birthday. It will have sixty different colours.

1 comment:

  1. The sweaters are grand. Being a knitter myself, I know the crafting is a challenge. I've never attempted a thing so difficult.
