Saturday, February 26, 2022

Snow Day

Snow lost its novelty for me a long time ago. Nowadays it seems like a big nuisance and I cannot even be bothered to take pictures anymore.

Not so, for Martha and Evie who both adore snowy days. Martha was full of it when I picked them up on Thursday. Her school permitted snowballing at breaktime. They were asked though, not to throw snowballs at people who didn't want to take part. That would have been me. Evie's school said there was to be no snowballing but they did it anyway and the playground supervisors pretended not to notice.

The local bus station must have been a dangerous place on Thursday morning as the best of the snow had fallen during the night. At Evie's age, I'd have taken it very personally if a 'big boy' had lobbed a snowball at me. Evie was unbothered and told me that she used her cello case as a shield. I do love having such tough-minded grandchildren.

After school, they were straight out to the meadow. The snow was starting to disappear but there was enough of it to make a snowman and a snowdog and to take...

a good, hardy roll in the snow.

Then there was that time their mother made a snowman that looked a bit like a snowdog.


  1. Simply wonderful.

  2. Mage, thank you. So glad to hear that you are back home.

  3. The snowdog is great, very creative choices for the facial features (and she was/is so lovely)
