Monday, May 02, 2022

The New Trampoline



When Zoe and I bought the first trampoline Evie could barely stand upright on it. The middle picture in the collage records her first attempt at staying upright. She was so pleased with herself.

Eight years later, it was time for a new one.

For the old one had taken quite a battering.

The brand new and slightly bigger trampoline was delivered a week ago.  Bert, Martha and Evie began the assembly on Saturday. They hit a snag and Hannah had to be called in. The problem was that Bert had left his reading glasses in the house and couldn't make out the instructions. Bert thinks if he squints really, really hard he will eventually decipher the information. In this assumption he is wrong. Luckily Hannah does not need reading glasses and was able to assist.




Sadly, I was too occupied with making a delicious supper to take pictures of the netting and the first turns on the new trampoline. Martha did some very good somersaults and Evie got a bleeding lip from impact from her own knee. I wonder if they'll still be using it in another eight years when they are eighteen and twenty? One thing for sure is - that I won't be on it.

1 comment:

  1. London Sister11:54 am

    What a lot of fun has been had - and some in school uniform! Middle of bottom 3 in the top set is great!
