Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Big Old Sumach and the Snail


The big sumach that I see from my window must be around fifteen years old now. It didn't turn out to be the sumach I wanted, the Stag's Horn sumach that has furry new growth and is gloriously coloured in autumn. I wrote a plaintive post about this some years ago and was sent a sumach from my cousin Dermot. It is doing well but planted too close to a bloody rhododendron hedge. The hedge might have to go, but the birds do love it so. Dilemma.

The old sumach, pictured above in a photograph taken last July, is also very popular with garden birds. Probably because it is usually hung with feeders. They never nest in it but they do like to congregate there. It's where I take most of my bird photographs - which reminds me - time to give the window a wash! Especially as I've just spotted a big snail slithering down it.


  1. Yes, it's time to defeat the snail. Wonderful birds.

  2. That snail may well have become a bird's breakfast by now.
