Thursday, July 07, 2022

The Day We Went To Portrush


The (not so) little monsters are in Connemara camping and I hope they get fine weather. Just before they left, we went on the traditional trip to Barry’s (now Curry’s) in Portrush. We missed the last two years due to Covid and during that time we heard worrying news. Barry’s was to be sold! It was such a shame as Evie had gotten almost tall enough to ride the Big Dipper and now it seemed she'd never get the chance.

Barry's went on the market in 2019. The Trufelli family who'd started the business in 1928 had hoped that it would continue as an amusement park but it seemed that might not happen. There was even talk of the site being used for apartments. If life was ever going to get back to normal just where were we going to find a decent roller coaster that didn't involve a lengthy car ride?

When the girls were little they were perfectly content to go on carousels, kiddy bumper cars and giant teacups. The Big Dipper, waltzers and the Ghost Train were far too scary and they wouldn't have met the height requirement for some rides. .

On the train to Portrush

Three years ago Martha was tall enough to go on the Big Dipper. Evie was hopeful that she would have grown enough the following year but was not to be. Coronavirus shut Barry's down at the same time as Evie gained those few needful centimetres.

When we first heard the news that Barry's Amusements was to become Curry's Fun Park we were so happy. It opened at Easter and Martha might have dropped a few hints about going then but the very beginning of the summer holidays is our time. There might have been concerns that the rides wouldn't be as good, or that the Big Dipper would be dismantled, and my own private worry - that the Big Dipper would still be there but the height requirement might have increased. We needn't have worried. 

2016 was the year Ben came with us.

On the waltzer with Ben. That was one of the rides where younger children had to be accompanied by an adult. Ben was not quite 18 but he passed muster. The previous year I'd almost thrown up after going on the waltzer.

I gave it a go this year and managed not to get queasy which was pleasing. But I don't seem to be as limber as I was six years ago. The seating was awfully low and as I said to Bert afterwards,

I thought I was going to have to get one of the attendants to pull me out but I managed it on my own.

Then Martha said,

Granny! You crawled out of it on your hands and knees!

Evie did ride the Big Dipper. She was rather pale when she alighted and said just the one time would be enough.

Aboard the Big Wheel in 2019.  

Martha's very first visit to Barry's Amusements. 

Return to the carousel, 2022


  1. Loved this. I’m not a fan of waltzers either. I’m so pleased it hasn’t closed down - I love Barry’s. My favourite ride is the cyclone I have whole series of Barry’s photos too. My sister from NZ was over there last weekend with my other sister who lives in NI and they were at Barry’s or Curry’s too with my teenage nieces. She said the old multicoloured balls light fitting in the entrance has gone though which is a pity.

  2. London Sister9:00 am

    Lovely to read this and see the pictures!

  3. One of my earliest memories is going to Barry's and being taken on the ghost train by mum and Sheena. When the train emerged into the light I was hunkered in the space under their feet.

  4. When I was a child there were two occasions we went on the Parish Outing to Portrush, travelling by steam train. The first time we got the train at Cookstown Junction, the second at Antrim. It was thrilling. I remember Sheena leading a sing-along on the train and feeling very proud that I knew her.

  5. Just a wonderful post. I like the ride that makes you dizzy, but I love the bumper cars best.
