Monday, July 18, 2022

vitas interruptus

 I had/have so many things I wanted/want to blog about. My beloved only grandson's 7th birthday, the funeral of an old friend, the new kitten, The Bloody Tories, the weather...

Then this happened. For the second time in two days, I walked into a left-open cupboard door ( Bert's cupboard, left open by Bert), only this time I banged my head, lost my balance, and slammed into a tiled floor.  My right hip, knee and elbow took the brunt. The pain was excruciating. I may have sworn.

I got checked out, nothing broken, just heavy bruising and muscle pain. I cannot fully weight-bear, and am not too great at walking. Since today, I'm using crutches to get around.

If it wasn't for the kitten I'd be really depressed.


  1. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Glad there is nothing broken. Hope you feel better soon xxx

  2. Really glad myself nothing was broken. I was hoping you see that when they find me in a post-apocalyptic dig in about 500 years that I'll be described as a woman of mature years without any fracturing of bones. Shame about the teeth.

  3. Sorry to hear this. At least it gives you a chance to put your feet up.

  4. Well, that is certainly true. Glad to report that I'm feeling better already and hoping that a week will put the worst of it over me.

  5. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Oh, not so nice. Hope you feel better soon Mary.

  6. ouch, hope you recover promptly
