Saturday, October 29, 2022

Saturday Routines

 I don't buy newspapers except on Saturday when I treat myself to the Guardian. Bert and I have our routines, we compete on the Quizword. I make a spare photocopy and do it separately. This morning I informed him,

I'm going to thrash you today. It's a Steinbeck theme.

When it comes to literature I have the advantage. He is much better at geographical and geo-political clues.

But - when I started the crossword I realised that quite a few of the clues were favouring Bert's expertise and as I admitted to him the ones I'd hoped would give me the advantage were actually Steinbeck-lite, meaning that most Boomers would have come across them in English class. He beat me by four answers. Admission - neither of us has ever completed a Quizword. 

To make things worse he finished his Wordle in three while I went to the wire with six.

A little later he came to me saying,

I suppose you know who Theon Greyjoy's sister is?

I said,

Depends on which one you mean. His sister in Game of Thrones or the actor's actual sister?

The actual actor's sister.

Lily Allen. Everybody knows that. Everybody knew who Lily Allen was before anybody heard of Alfie Allen. In fact, she had to write a song about him before anybody even knew about him.

We take our victories where we can. I also had to talk him through the Martin Rowson.


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