Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Knitting For Anarchists


198 stitches were cast on 4mm circular needles at the beginning of this month.. I prefer to knit in the round as I dislike and am not good at sewing my work together. The Rules dictate that pieces should be blocked and pinned; I've never obeyed. Knitting in the round means that the amount of sewing is drastically reduced. 

Knitting for Anarchists. I'd been intrigued by this book for a while now and eventually found it selling for the right price on eBay. Anarchy, derived from Greek, means 'having no ruler' and I've often been irritated by the Knitting Rules. 

They are being broken here. I'm using odds and ends of yarn sourced from everywhere. That grey was found in a charity shop and cost pence.

Having recently knit several baby sweaters I find I get stuck at the neck. The usual ribbed style leaves me wondering if it will fit over the baby's head and I cannot be bothered with the faff of buttonholes.  And as my babies are all very far away, living in Dublin and Dingle and Walsall, I cannot measure their not-so-little heads. So I experimented with rolly necks. Just kept knitting stocking stitch, so easy in the round and after a loose casting off the neckline just curls into a sweet little collar. I still don't know if it keeps its shape after washing. 

I really hate knitting rib so I thought I'd go for the rolly option there too. The only snag is that there has to be a few rows in garter stitch or rib or else the hem might roll up to the armpits!

The body of the sweater and one sleeve are completed. I always find knitting the second sleeve relaxing as I don't have to worry about shaping or colourways - just copy the first one. Knitting without patterns is satisfying but sometimes it's stressful. I always tell myself that my projects are purely experimental so that if they don't totally please me, I will at least have learned something.

The work starts to get heavy when the sleeves and body are all on the needle. I decrease every second row to produce a raglan. The beads keep me in mind about where I begin and what decrease I'm on. 

Coming close to the finish. That picture was taken this morning and I hope to complete it tomorrow. Picture of the rolly neck to follow.

The Knitting For Anarchists book. It's OK. Full of rules. I prefer this one.


  1. Anonymous7:08 am

    Beautiful you are very clever!

  2. Thanks for saying so.
