Thursday, March 23, 2023

Fred and Some Other Animals

This photograph has been processed and I like it. I like the brightness, the clashing prints and  Big Fat Fred plonked right in the middle of it. Fred has always been fond of textiles. They're so comfy.

Right now I've got a lot on. I'm knitting, I'm reading and I'm cleaning my bookshelves. I'm head and ears in the family tree, checking out DNA matches and wondering how I'm connected to all these people.

There were a lot of seamen and soldiers in the family at the turn of the last century and I think that some of them must have been misbehaving in foreign lands. 

I also discovered that we appear to be related to half the Catholics in Larne. Which is at least twenty people. Our common ancestor was a Campbell originating from the Isle of Lewis or so I surmise. There is a lot of surmising going on when it comes to family trees.

Look again at that picture. Did you spot the black duck?

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