Monday, May 01, 2023

Another Trip To Rathlin Island


My youngest sister and I both have special birthdays this year. You know - the ones that end with a zero. I asked her if there was anything that she wanted to mark the day because, ten years ago, when I was the age that she is now she made me a piece of jewellery which I rarely take off. But Leitrim Sister didn't want a present - she wanted an experience. And as she'd never been to Rathlin Island that's where we went.

We went over on the fast boat which was fast and freezing, Then coffee and scones at the Manor House the minute we got off the boat.  It's a welcoming place which we returned to for a late lunch mid-afternoon. Recommended.

Of course, we walked to Seal Bay and spotted seals and of course, we got the Puffin Bus and visited the Sea Bird Sanctuary. Despite it being a tad early in the season there were puffins. Leitrim Sister was keen to spot a golden hare but that was not to be.

Seal Bay from the kelp house.

It was too early for seal pups. 

Eider ducks from whence eiderdown comes. It is claimed to be sustainable but I am not so sure. 

It was a good day out in good company and I will return.

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