Monday, June 19, 2023

After The Rain

I said to Bert today that I might ask one of our metal worker friends to beat me out some sort of protective breastplate, maybe re-purposing an old tin tray or two of the sort that used to be in every public house.

You might ask why I'd want such a thing and I am more than happy to tell you.

Yesterday was not a good day. My knee and hip were troubling me, one of those mornings when getting a sock on to my right food was a painful challenge. There was something going on in my mouth, I had to leave my partial denture out for most of the day for there was no Bonjela in the house. But worst of all, I was tired and worn out, had no energy for anything, everything was an effort.  I felt decrepit. I used to think that the worst thing about getting older was becoming less lovely to behold. Wrinkles, droopiness, stoopiness, greyness - that sort of thing. How foolish I was for now I couldn't care less about that. I just wish I had some of the liveliness and energy I had in my earlier decades. 

Back to my desire for a breastplate. I did my very best to shift my flat mood, took my favourite book to the polytunnel and lay down on one of the many sofas that go there to die. It was bliss. Crows cawed, songbirds sang, it was so deliciously warm. I may have dozed a little. The pup was running around, ripping one of the sofas apart, I paid her no mind, so relaxed... then rudely awakened as she sprang on top of me, right on top of my right breast. It was agony.  Like being poked hard in the bosom by a wooden staff. 

So there I was, sore mouth, sore hip, sore knee, sore boob, no wine. I  managed to stay up until after ten, watched a very silly programme with Nicola Walker then went to bed with a cup of tea and two paracetamol.  

And delighted to wake up this morning with hip, knee, mouth and boob much improved. I still think the breastplate is a good idea as I'm going to take even more naps in the polytunnel and I am sure the pup plans to take more running leaps on to anyone foolish enough to lie prone in her vicinity.


  1. OK, I laughed but I commiserate. I have had a problem with one leg after falling on the road ( a dirt road, mind) the first of May. I've been in PT, etc. and am improving except when when my little Rosie sitting on my lap put her paw (like a 100 lb. weight) right above my knee.....owwwww!

  2. They get away with a lot do dogs, and especially pups. I hope your leg/knee keeps on improving.
