Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Red Campion and Two Wrens


You know how people sometimes say that they are 'going through some stuff'? Well - that's me right now, going through some stuff, mostly being bored stiff. 

It's a weird one for being bored is not really me. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just on a practice run for my extreme old age. This upcoming birthday isn't something I'm looking forward to. Seventy? I'd rather be eighty but suppose I should be grateful/hopeful for the ten years I'll spend getting to my eighties.

I'm practising 'living in the moment' which means I try to appreciate what is going on right now. Tonight that means admiring the moon, checking out the owls and worrying about the neighbour's noisy cows.

I also put the moth trap out as there is no rain expected tonight. There was a bit of an oops moment a couple of days ago. I put the trap in the shepherd's hut (rain expected) and inspected the catch inside. One poplar hawk-moth, rather faded, a buff-tip on the floor of the hut, a lot of brown ones, no ermines. Because it was indoors I left most of them on the table and let all those that settled on the walls alone. 

A couple of hours later I brought Bert to the hut to see the hawk moth. 

Be careful, there are a few on the floor, don't tread on them.

We went in and there were two wrens flying about. No moths on the floor except the buff-tip which looks like a twig. The poplar hawk moth was safe enough, I'd tucked it away. We left. A little later I spotted the wrens again. They were treating the shepherd's hut as an all-day breakfast cafe. The only survivors were the hawk moth and a couple of yellow underwings. I won't be doing that again. 

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