Monday, July 31, 2023

What's With the Crazy?

 Oh dear, dear God! What is wrong with the world? What's with the crazy?

We had visitors yesterday evening. Not the best timing as we'd already spent the best part of the day at a funeral. Nevertheless...

Topics under discussion.

The 1969 Moon Landing. 

Hunter Biden.

Climate Change.

I introduced climate change, as a lead-on from the continuous wet weather we've been having. I said something along the lines of, that we may get used to having wet summers. Turns out, according to my visitor, that scientists have taken samples from the ice fields at the pole (I forget which one) and it seems that rather than getting warmer we are actually entering a cold phase. For some reason, this means climate change is a hoax and it's not humankind that is accelerating it. OK. Our friend, the fellow one, isn't going to stop driving classic cars or start recycling just because that wee Swedish b*****d says so. At this point, I'm sure that some members of my close family will be wondering why I didn't drive him out of my house on the end of a graip.* Instead, I told him he was extremely rude to say that about the young Swedish woman. This was me laying my cards on the table. I might have said that if he continued in that vein I would have to put him out.

He moved on to the moon landings which occurred three years before he was born. That is IF they occurred. I listened to him trot out the tired old arguments about shadows, magnetic fields, Stanley Kubrick - things I've been hearing about for decades. I could hardly be bothered arguing. All I said was that when I am on my death bed, my loved ones around me, Bert crying his eyes out, I will not be concerning myself about whether the moon landings happened or not. At the moment, I believe they did but it's not a big concern.

Then Hunter Biden. You know if that man walked into this room right now I wouldn't even know him. Apparently, the reason why THEY had us all on tenterhooks about the submersible full of millionaires that perished near the Titanic was to distract from Hunter Biden being in court that week. What had Biden done? According to our friend, he'd driven his Porsche at 175mph whilst smoking a crack pipe on his way to meet a whore. Some guy. Bert was impressed. 

There was other stuff, Roswell, aliens, Bidens getting away with everything while Trumps were persecuted. Thankfully our conspiracy theorist's wife seemed to have more sense. Which is why we'll have them over for a curry sometime in September. This time I intend to control the conversation. We will be discussing the Labour Party, the Easter Rising, the American Civil War, Mao Zedong and the PSNI. I will be researching everything.

P.S. I told you I'd blog this. If you want that curry you'll have to suck it up. 



(Tools) dialect Scot a long-handled fork for digging dung

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