Sunday, October 08, 2023

Mrs Librarian Woman

 A commenter on this blog asserted that I led an 'interesting life'. I beg to differ as my life is mundane, even a bit dull. I hardly go anywhere, rarely do anything, just sort of exist really. I should break out a little, get on a train now and again, wear things from the very back of the wardrobe, spend more money, cook with apricots, book a trip to Manaus.*

Yet I do find life interesting most of the time. It's all out there, even just outside the front door or, if it's wet, the front room. Outside the front door there are snails and owls and moths and in the front room there are dogs, and people, all-the-time people. People with dogs.

And even when there aren't people in the front room, Bert's room, there are dogs and Bert who gets bored much more easily than I do.

He was channel-hopping on his giant TV, said that even though there are hundreds of channels there is nothing worth watching. I was watching a programme about David Beckham in my private secret sitting-room and thought it well worth watching. Amazingly, some of the best bits were scenes from football matches. I don't even like football but the film-maker was good at the job and made it interesting.

So, when I was done with that I went to see Bert who was watching something horribly gory about vampires. He told me he had nothing to read as he had finished his book this morning. Somehow this has become my responsibility. I gave off to him.  

Why do you always tell me you need something to read at quarter to eleven at night?

I told you I finished my book this morning.

And you don't have at least four books in your to-read pile? Don't you be coming into my room at midnight looking for a book.

You have all the good books in your room.

That is balls. I have all the P-S books in my room. There are four other bookcases throughout the house containing books A-O and T-Z. Is it not enough that I source all the books, buy all the books, shelve all the books that I have to choose all your reading matter too? 

I secretly enjoy doing this but not late in the evening. So before climbing into bed I threw him in Strumpet City and a David Sedaris. I don't think he'll like the Sedaris.  

*I'm reading Eva Ibbotson.


  1. London Sister11:56 pm

    I agree the Beckham doc is very interesting, I really enjoyed it

  2. Anonymous8:55 am

    I love David Sedaris and the Beckham programme is very interesting indeed.

  3. Anonymous11:05 am

    Love Sedaris telling his yarns on This American Life.

  4. Confession time - when I first heard him on Radio 4 I misgendered him!
