Tuesday, October 03, 2023


Martha wanted to know today how many pets Bert and I have had and although I couldn't tell her straight away I showed her my Pet Records spreadsheet. She spotted immediately that Cleo had not been added so I suggested she remedy that. Her mother thinks she might become a fan of spreadsheets. I do hope so as she can give me tips.

Not counting the pigs, Bert and I have had seventeen pets since we've been together.

Six of these are cats, and eleven are dogs.

Eight were rescues, six dogs and two cats. The two cats and three of the dogs came directly from the streets, either lost or abandoned.

Six are still with us, and eleven are buried in the garden.

After Martha had finished updating Cleo I had a little updating of my own to complete.

Meet Woody. Found straying on a busy street in a nearby village. Ben and Sara were his rescuers. 


  1. London Sister8:25 am

    Love your Pet Records spreadsheet, you are a natural born administrator!

  2. I think I could have been. Pity I cannot seem to administrate my own home no matter how many spreadsheets I have in operation!

  3. Are you keeping him? What a cutie! I am impressed by your spreadsheet. I have to shuffle thru our vet records to remember everyone's birthdates.

  4. We are keeping him. He is a lovely wee thing. He is spending more time out of the crate now and is enjoying the freedom of the bookshelves.
