Thursday, November 16, 2023

Diana and Dodi Are Dead

I don't exactly remember what I was doing the night Diana died but I think there might have been some sort of a party for the next day had a bit of a hangover vibe. And it had been  a Saturday night. What I do remember was Katy coming in after an all-nighter. She'd been clubbing in Belfast. And she said,

Hey Ma, did ya hear? Diana and Dodi are dead!

I thought it was crazy talk. Some kind of post-party-drug fantasy. She said, turn on the TV. It's all over the news.

So I did, and it was. Was the newscaster wearing a black tie? I don't remember. But he had that black tie kind of voice going on and it was true. Diana and Dodi were dead and nobody hardly mentioned the driver who was also dead.

Yep! I've just watched the first episode of The Crown on Netflix and it is all coming back to me. 


  1. Anonymous7:08 am

    This was a defining moment in my adulthood. I was very, very sad and I kind of still am. Unreasonably I know, I shouldn’t care about a royal but…she was magic.

  2. Anon - I was well in to my adulthood in 1997 but it seemed so unbelievable. For months afterwards I'd read something - her name linked with the words death, dead, died and it seemed so wrong, so jarring.
