Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Wreck The House


Having young animals in the house is wonderful fun but it also makes for a lot of work and expense as their idea of having a good time is wrecking the place.

This is Cleo's work. And that is the spare room. The GOOD spare room. A new duvet is needed. She chewed through my Ikea cotton duvet cover to get at the foamy stuff but I think I can mend it as it is only a small hole. I will be able to use another Ikea cover to patch it. The hole she made in that one was big enough to fit the round head of a bull elephant so I'll use it for another sewing project. Though it's a pity about my fabric scissors. Someone (Bert?) got hold of those while I was away and used them for some plant-related purpose. It seems that Cleo and Woody aren't the only ones wrecking the place.

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