Wednesday, January 17, 2024

New Jess On The Road


There are now at least two collie type dogs living on our road that are called Jess, our Jess and Clint's Jess.  Clint's Jess has a story. During Clint's time as a milk-tanker driver he frequented farms all around the country and on one of these farms he came across some people, good enough people in their own way, who acquired collie pups which they kept confined to a cage. That's how he got Bob. He'd seen him in the cage for far too long and eventually asked for him and got him. It does something to dogs if they don't have a modicum of freedom but Bob has been with Clint a long time now and although he's a bit crazy he is happy and well cared for.

Clint's retired from the milk collection trade now but around Christmas time he had business on the yard where he'd previously got Bob and there was another dog in the cage. Jess. She'd been there a good few years, a dog bought in the hopes she'd work out as a cattle dog and that hadn't happened. She is Clint's dog now, and she'll have a far better life with him for he cares about the animals in his life.

Still don't agree with his politics though. We just don't talk about that.


  1. Anonymous10:05 pm

    Lucky little Jess, hopefully like most doggies she won’t take any notice of the political situation.

  2. Yes. I love that about dogs. They don't give a flying f*** about politics.

  3. There are two types of folks: the ones that can ignore someone's bad politics, and the ones that just can't. I'm in your group.
