Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Forgetting Foxgloves: House & Home 1


I have been looking through my external hard drive for inspiration for a blog post. This picture comes from a file I've named House & Home and it was taken about six years ago. I wish I'd remembered to sow foxgloves last year because I love them so much. Even though they are prolific self-seeders, two years of neglecting my garden has depleted them and those coming on are sparse and growing in the oddest places. Next year will be better. If I remember to buy seed. Making a note of it right now!


  1. I have never bought foxgloves seeds but still have foxgloves in my garden. As soon as they start appearing in the garden I dig them up and replant them in a more appropriate spot.

  2. You must be good at transplanting as I've never had much success with it.
