Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bonnie & Spide

Q. What the hell am I doing up at 2am?
A. I'm ready to repel all boarders.
Q. Who needs repelled?
A. Bonnie & Spide are on the loose, lurking outside. There is no way they're getting in here to trash the place like they did last weekend.


  1. Anonymous4:00 pm

    I say we let loose the hippies on them.

  2. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Plan of action:

    1. buy shotgun
    2. load (1) with rock salt
    3. point (1) at bonnie & spide
    4. make off the cuff cutting remark
    5. pull trigger

    Everyone's a winner.


  3. Well Ed it's actually the rock salt I'd have to buy as we already have the shotgun. Hippies rock(salt!)

  4. Anonymous10:09 am

    aaaah the hippies Vs the spides. it makes me feel all nostalgic. Do spides know they're called spides yet?

  5. Some of them do. I asked one once and she said "It's what hippies call people like us who follow fashion."
