Friday, March 18, 2005

Drowning the Shamrock

My thanks are due to Zoe for the advice that got me back on top blogging form. She is to be nominated for a Nelly Award in the category 'Serpent's Tooth'.

So yesterday was St Paddy's Day. I spent most of it at work. It was also the first anniversary of Paddy Dog being sprung from Crosskennan Dog Jail and a year and two days since I last smoked a 'feg'.

As everyone Irish knows it is a tradition among the drinking classes to 'drown the shamrock' but as I was collecting Ganching from the airport that night I had to postpone my shamrock drowning until later. When I returned I got caught up chatting to Bert and the muso fellows so when I actually poured my glass of Bushmills and looked at the clock it was two minutes past midnight. Rats! Missed it. Still the whiskey was good (one glass) and I slept like a log.


  1. Anonymous10:14 am

    i went down to the student's union where nearly everyone drank guinness but complained it isnt as good as you get in ireland and all the people wore stupid guinness hats, except for the irish. Oh and the played Lisdonvarne so many times that i complained.

  2. Sounds awful - you were quite right to complain about the dreary Lisdoonvarna.
