Saturday, March 19, 2005

Clint Gets Droll With Nelly

Clint was hanging about the polytunnel with Bert this morning. When I brought them out coffee
and hot-cross buns Bert says

"Where were you off to there in such a hurry?"
"Just down to get the paper."
"Aye," says Clint "We heared ye all right, roaring down the lane, music blaring like a young boy!"
"Did ye?" says I.
"Aye," says he. "I reckon they heared ye at the Diamond."
"Well, lucky old them." says I.

Humph! Young boy indeed. I don't know any young boys who'd be listening to Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Do you?

I've been listening to those fellows for a while now but I did go to HMV yesterday where I bought a load of new stuff (some of it was old new stuff) and yes I did take a chance on Bright Eyes. Bert was very impressed with it and said I've a great ear for new music. I p00h-poohed that and gave all the credit where it belongs. Thanks Perdito-Tostadora and Mikeyboy.


  1. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Cool. So what else you buy then? And which Diamond do you mean? (More so I can place where you are, not that I am going to case the joint, as well, there isn't a joint anymore, in any way from what I can gather)

    The Diamond school? Pat Diamond's? (God forbid) Ahoghill?

  2. The school near Cully is my local Diamond. Bert went there.When we move we'll be even nearer to it.

    Other purchases were in order of loving them bottom to top

    Air 10.000Hz Legend
    Rufus Wainwright x 2 Poses and RW. Still think Loudon's better if not as cute.
    Kaiser Chiefs which I'm loving but Bert doesn't - says it's too noisy.
    And best of the lot Pet Sounds which I am adoring all over again. Can't believe that I've not listened to it for decades. Do you know I was only a kid when that first came out. You weren't even born.

  3. Anonymous7:46 pm

    I like the Chiefs, dumb pop music, but damned likeable. nanananana indeed.

    I stole my mother's Pet Sounds (she was a hippy, Fresh Garbage lass that she was and all. Started life as a McCooie, me, believe it or not.) I loved it. I assume you have Mr Wilson's Smile. My number two loves it.

    If you (or your daughters, though perhaps not if they were CUSM fans) liked Ride, (as I did, saw 'em twice) then I recommend The Engineers. Quality, dreamy shoegazing for the 21st century.

    The Wainwrights (him or her) I am ambivalent about, though only as I bet her feet would be cold, thus leaving my boudoir.

    As for when I was born, Metal Guru was number one. (Which might explain some things, as my mother went from hippy to glam, where I also nicked TRex vinyl...and still have...)

  4. No I don't have Smile. There are loads of gaps in my music cupboard. I might remedy that some day. When I was a girl I didn't ackshually like the Beach Boys except I did without realising it as you do. I was into West Coast underground in a big way. Once a thing got commercial I went off it big silly gype that I was.

  5. Anonymous12:53 pm

    Ah, glad you took the chance Nelly. Bright eyes new one ('I'm happy now ...') not only shows what a fantastic songwriter the boy is for such a young age, but also how something good can come from something bad.
    Have to check out the cheifs though, liked what i've heard so far - tell bert to stop griping aboiut noise, makes him sound old before his time!
    all the best, see you next week if thats cool?
