Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Very, Very, Very Weird

Back in February I wrote a post titled 'Lemon Jelly' in which I put the lyrics of 'Ramblin' Man', which consists mainly of a list of place names.


Killing time this afternoon before going to work I'm perusing Site Meter when I see that there has been a Google search that's turned 'Lemon Jelly' up. I look further and am shocked to find that it has been altered. There are lots of place names that have been added to it. Places I haven't even heard of! How can this be? Why should this be? This is scaring me.

Either someone has changed it or I'm going mad.


  1. Anonymous5:25 pm

    Yep, you've got gremlims alright.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous10:25 pm

    What was removed then and did you check any other posts to see if they had been altered?


  4. Ganching - I deleted the post myself because I'd made rather too many grammatical and spelling mistakes in it.

    Re other posts - I've been at work a lot and haven't had time. For instance this is the first go I've had on the blog all evening because Bert's been wheeling & dealing and phoning disappointed people to dash their dreams to dust.
