Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Sale Completed

Ian's Glee
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
It's been a long hard slog to this day and many people were disappointed. As for Bert - Turmoil had become his middle name.

We are sentimental fools and , at heart, always wanted the place to go to a friend. Unfortunately three of our friends were interested and we only had one place to sell.

In the end it was Ian.


  1. Anonymous12:10 am

    You've sold your house to ian?!! Thats fantastic!!! must be cool to have the turmiol over and atleast know its going to good home, or should that be a good home going to a good person?
    happpy for you all!!!!
    mikeyboy x

  2. Yeah Mikey it is good to know that our home is going to a good home. Even better news - now that there will be more space the family are planning to adopt a rescue dog. Awwwww! And they'd better too as that's what swung the deal!

  3. Anonymous8:31 am

    Did well. No more prolonged hassles and annoyance. Now, all the fun of doing the new place. Which must be soon then. Of course, it can still all fall through, not that I am bitter or anything...

  4. It is a great relief. For the first time ever Bert & I talked about what we would do in the new house, how we would really live in it - and it was good.

    I really do feel for you about the bother you've had with the sale of your place. When something like that is going on it always nags at the back of the mind. But anyways - here's to the Future and everything.

  5. Anonymous8:52 am

    Well done to you all. I am really glad Ian is buying the house.

    Bert can still hangout in the boy's room - you know how much of a spiritually connection he has with that room.


  6. Anonymous10:19 am

    WOW! i didnt even know Ian was interested inthe house, he always says there were too many dog hairs!


  7. Oh we're moving the boy's room thing to the new house. Only Nelly would tolerate it.

    As for the dog hairs - yjey'll be like Christmas tree needles. He'll be finding them for years.

  8. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Congrats on selling the homestead.

    ps did none of you notice how the nun in my post looks just like hannah? Or at least the hands do - very similar to the photo you posted some time ago.


  9. By Jingo! The nun in your post does look like Hannah. In fact I think it is Hannah. Glad to see she's got at least one outfit that doesn't bare her midriff.
