Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Today is the last day of my time off. I return to work tomorrow. I have been unwell and did not achieve as much as I'd hoped. But no matter. Springhill is becoming more homely every day and even Rosie has started to settle in.

Today I've liberated my bicycle and chosen a kitchen press and salvaged some ancient coat hooks so that Bert can make us somewhere to hang coats and boiler suits. I've also been hoking through Pearlie's old blanket chest which was packed to capacity. I found a tartan rug, a patchwork quilt and a faux fur rug which I will be able to use. The rest was nasty acrylic blankets and fibreglass curtains in garish stripes. Will they ever come back into fashion?


  1. One-piece cover all work suit. Like a big babygro for a working man. With poppers up the front and lots of useful pockets. Usually dark blue.

  2. Anonymous12:32 am

    like the type often sported by forensic teams...
    glad your feeling betterr nelly, springhill is a nice name too.
    mikey x

  3. Ta Mikey. Springhill is what it was always called because of it sitting on the side of a hill and there being a spring.
