Sunday, October 16, 2005

Invasion of the Bluegrass Boyos

Last night was not our official housewarming but despite this it got a bit of a warming anyway. We were for having a little supper en famille and then a few friends over for drinks afterwards. Marty brought the whole band with him which was very nice of him. That big cavernous kitchen soon fills up when you put a bluegrass band and a few other musicians in it. And the acoustics were superb.

We had a great night. I don't know how Zoƫ managed to avoid getting her photograph taken but she did. She was looking very well too. So that's the dress rehearsal over. Proper housewarming should take place towards the end of this month. Clear your diaries!

1 comment:

  1. They leave an awful lot of empties behind. But they're worth it.
